Wednesday, 4 November 2009

First Blog: Setting the Scene

This will be the first ever online blog, so, where to start? Perhaps a little introduction...
My names Will, I'm studying Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University. I enjoy going out with the lads and having a few drinks as much as I enjoy staying in and working on personal projects (usually computer based).

Initially I was optimistic about creating a blog for myself, regardless of previous failures, but after a little researching (avec google), it seems a more daunting challenge.  I should probably point out at the start that my writing skills leave a lot to be desired; I've never really managed to express myself properly in writing before and these will be my attempts to improve.

Whilst reading up on google about the basics of the content of ones first blog, I came across an interesting take on the categories of blogs (here).  In this the author claims a blog can be split into 6 possible categories, in summary:
  1. A log
  2. A commentary
  3. A collection of thoughts
  4. A forum for writing
  5. To build a community
  6. Corporate blogging
These inspired me to consider where I want to position my blog.  Should it be a log of my activities (something to remind me, and possibly share with any readers, the more interesting events of my life), a collection of thoughts or a forum for writing...

What I've taken away from the reading I've done is that a blog should be whatever you want it to be.  I intend mine to be a mixture of all 3 of the categories above; I hope to include events which interest me, thoughts and any formal writing I do.

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